1. Group chat will initiate start
2. Download most current iteration
3. Follow rules below on your turn
4. Post drawing as comment
5. Notify next player in group chat
10 minutes per turn
3 turns per participant
color w/ erasing
must include iconic bridge

Participants: @Jeremy Ringer @nv7 @Kyle R. Truax @Calan Hoppe and @David Kahn
That's all she wrote...
@David Kahn
Grant's up!
@Kyle R. Truax
@nv7 you're up!
@Jeremy Ringer
@David Kahn
Looks like the original size got lost somewhere along the way.. @nv7 you're up!
@Jeremy Ringer you‘re up!
@David Kahn You're on the clock! haha
@Kyle R. Truax
Participants have been set.
@Calan Hoppe, @Jeremy Ringer, @Kyle R. Truax, @nv7 and @David Kahn