This is a two man show: @David Kahn and @Ben Malach. The goal is simple...take turns drawing a cliff-side par 3, using only 1 continuous line each round. Once your pen lifts from the paper, your turn is over.
4 rounds per player
No time limit per round
Black ink only
Cliff-side par 3 scene
@Ben Malach goes first!
Yeah, @David Kahn it was a blast.
I think the shocking thing for me was how much planning I had to do just to draw 1 line. Some of the lines had like 2-4 layers of ideas of what needed to be filled in to make stuff work.
Honestly, in a more fast paced environment this could be silly fun.
Here is my final touch @David Kahn
@Ben Malach last round. Don't forget to sign when you're done!
@David Kahn your up sorry for the lag
this one had my hand trebling by the end thankfully it worked for shading.
@Ben Malach all you...
@David Kahn
@Ben Malach
Here it is @David Kahn lets rock this thing.